Call to Action


All who understand PEACE, Know THE SINGLE MOST IMPACTFUL act that we can accomplish is to eliminate factory farming!

According to Article 108 of the United Nations Charter, amendments must be adopted by two thirds of the members of the General Assembly, and ratified by two thirds of the members of the United Nations including all of the five permanent members of the Security Council, ie, the United States, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and China.

I pledge to email “Charter Amendment” and “Legal Personhood” (both below) to some or all of the 193 members of the General Assembly including all of the five permanent members of the Security Council, ie, the United States, France, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and China, by using the following links below.  [If you live in the US, you may also email “Constitutional Amendment” and “Legal Personhood” (both below) to members of Congress and your State Legislature.]

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On my Honor, I promise TO myself, ON BEHALF OF ALL nonhuman beings, that I will do my part to help save them all.


    After learning about PEACE and the issues of Environmentalism (Climate change, Sustainability), Social Justice (Ethical consumerism, Nonhuman rights) and Governance [Social responsibility, Socially responsible (impact) investing], I wish to take the following pledge.

    On my Honor, I promise TO myself, ON BEHALF OF ALL human and nonhuman beings, that I will do my part to help save our earthly home.

    Step 1:  Sign up!

      Step 2:  Click on the link below (Acts of Pacifism) to open up the chart.

      Step 3:  Select my choices.

      Step 4:  Set reminders for myself.

      Step 5:  Do it!